Have you ever heard of Ben and Jerry's ice cream? They are now on a new mission called Stampede. Because I do a lot of cash sales, I thought this would be something I could easily become involved with. I really love their mission and wanted to share it with you all...
The Stampede is a mass, sustained demonstration against big money in politics. With already over 65,000 people all across the country stamping their cash with the Stampede, this people-powered grassroots campaign is a striking visual display of the growing demand in this country for change--change with how our elections are funded and how big moneyed groups influence government policies at the expense of "We the People." The goal of stamping paper currency is to get these anti-big-money messages stamped on your bills seen by as many people as possible....Now you can be a casual stamper and not follow stamping tips or you can be an expert stamper and follow them. We love all stampers. But we love expert stampers more. You can watch their youtube video! Learn more and get your own stamp at Stampede-Stamp Money out of Politics.